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Van/ Crossover

To attain a larger car so I can vend at festivals across the country. Also, I'd like to be able to bring more inventory. 

Travel Series

To host my own show while traveling the world, trying new things, and creating art inspired by my trips. 

10 Festivals in 2024

To successfully vend at 10+ festivals in the year of 2024! To have adventures and meet new people!

Fashion Shows

To host HUGE fashion shows like the ones I see in my mind. 

Full weekend events!

Stock Up

To stock up on inventory so I have many options for YOU to choose from.

Youth Work

To partner with nonprofits focused on uplifting the youth by providing seminars, summer camps, and other programs.

Peace of Mind

To know that all is well even in the "scary times". To get to a point where I am unprovakable in all ways always.

Motivational Speaker

To regularly be booked for paid speaking engagements across the universe. 


To enjoy my life! To love what I do, how I do it, when I do it. 

To break generational curses!

Feeling Generous?

Send me a surprise via CashApp $yanme